RadarScope for Windows Progress Report

We released RadarScope 1.0 for Windows in April and have been extremely pleased with the response. We’ve been working on RadarScope for iOS for ten years, and on macOS and Android for seven years. Version 1.0 for Windows took about a year from conception to release, so we weren’t able to include every feature from the other platforms. We’re developing those features and look forward to reaching parity with the macOS app later this year. Here’s a brief update on our progress.

Bug Fixes

We’re releasing RadarScope 1.0.15 for Windows today. This release fixes a handful of bugs that customers have reported, including:

– Fixed a crash when adding too many user locations
– Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented outlooks from displaying for AllisonHouse subscribers
– Fixed a bug that caused the Layers icon to disappear from the sidebar
– Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented radar data from automatically refreshing
– Fixed a bug that sometimes caused a crash when clicking on the map

Pro Features

Our first Windows release included most of the non-subscription features available on other platforms, but none of the subscription-level features. Development has continued, and we’re internally testing archived data access and longer loops for super-res products. We’re also working to integrate our cross-platform account system for sharing Tier Two subscriptions across multiple platforms. Work remains to be done on multi-pane display, lightning, contour products, and in-app purchases through Microsoft’s store.

RadarScope for Windows Archive Mode Test
Development of new features for all platforms has continued in conjunction with Windows development. So far, we’ve been able to keep the Windows app in sync with the new features in the next release for iOS, macOS, and Android. Those features should also be available on Windows before year’s end.

So Far, So Great

RadarScope for Windows is off to a great start. We appreciate your support and your patience as we work to bring it up to speed with RadarScope on other platforms.

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